Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana is truly grateful to Jim Morris for decades of support in the fight against hunger.

Among many other areas, Jim Morris leaves a unique and transformative legacy in the fight against hunger. We will sorely miss the omnipresent vision and compassion he demonstrated for everyone and everything, including Gleaners. The heartbroken Gleaners family expresses its deepest sympathy and gratitude to Jackie and the entire Morris Family at this time of grievous loss.

As titans of hunger relief policy and organizations, Jim often joined Senator Richard Lugar to support the work of Gleaners. On May 1, 2017, at the launch of Gleaners’ Fresh Connect Central enterprise, they engaged with us in thoughtful and productive discussions about the impact of sourcing and rescuing fresh fruits and vegetables to positively impact the health and well-being of Hoosiers facing hunger.

As usual, Jim said it best. The following 2018 quote from him adorns a wall at Gleaners headquarters, the building we have been fortunate to have as our hunger relief home since he and Jackie chaired the 2010 Capital Campaign for Gleaners:

If there is a theme that unites humanity, it is the notion of being generous, caring, and giving; opening our arms to be certain that no one is hungry, especially children. Jewish scriptures say that ‘God has given us an abundance of food, and it is our greatest commandment to see that all share equally.’ Jesus said, ‘ I was hungry, and you fed me.’ Gandhi said that to a hungry man, God may appear as a loaf of bread. The Prophet Muhammed taught that you can’t go to sleep tonight on a full stomach if your brother is trying to go to sleep across the way on an empty stomach. Feeding hungry people is a moral imperative. Thank God for Gleaners.”

“Beyond Jim’s truly amazing record of selfless service and transformative accomplishments, I will most remember his kindness, civility, and relentless efforts to bring all kinds of different people together. Like so many, I was fortunate to have Jim as a friend and mentor, especially in connection with his loves of Indianapolis and Indiana University, as well as being a world-wide leader in the fight against hunger,” shared Fred Glass, President & CEO.