For seven years now, the central Indiana community has come together for the Hunger and Health Breakfast, hosted by Gleaners and the Indianapolis Business Journal. The breakfast is a time for leaders in health care and hunger relief to discuss the impact these issues have on our neighbors.
At this year’s event on Monday, Oct. 30, Gleaners President & CEO Fred Glass gave the keynote address, followed by a panel of four passionate community leaders committed to poverty alleviation. They each illustrated how food insecurity, and poverty as a whole, is not a “them” problem. It’s an “us” problem that can only be solved through collaboration.
Our powerful panel encouraged all of us to be a part of the solution. We hope the panel also inspired you to help us feed our neighbors facing hunger and to help address the root causes of hunger. If you weren’t able to join us for the event, click here or watch below.
Special thanks to our moderator, Gerry Dick, of Inside INdiana Business, and our four panelists.
Check out some photos from the event:
The fight against hunger is a team sport, and we’d love to have you as a teammate. If you’re ready to get involved, you can join us in the following ways:
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