Volunteer update: December 2023

Volunteer in January

While the holiday season is a favorite time of the year to volunteer, food insecurity is year-round. We need around 1,200 volunteers just in January to keep our programs running.

We still have 50 spaces available for Gleaners 2 Go order fulfillment and 300 spaces available in our drive-thru food pantry. Both programs are vital to ensuring our neighbors receive the nutritious food they need. Please consider signing up to volunteer to ensure there’s no impact on our ability to serve our neighbors.

Upcoming available shifts —
Tuesday, Jan. 2 – 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 12:30-4 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 3 – 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 12:30-4 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 4 – 1:30-5 p.m. and 4:30-8p.m.

Individuals and families can view availability and sign up here.
Interested groups can request a shift here.

We’re hiring!

Looking to fight hunger in a different way? Join our team! We have several positions open, including one in our volunteer department.

Check out our Careers page to learn more about the Volunteer Experience Coordinator role and others.

Volunteer spotlight

Volunteer of the Month: Brian Klawun

Brian Klawun volunteers at Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana.A regular volunteer since June 2021, Brian has put in more than 350 hours of service. The self-proclaimed “King of the Carts” loved collecting carts and helping neighbors out to their cars with their groceries when our pantry was indoors. Now, he enjoys flagging cars through the drive-thru because he still has the chance to talk with neighbors coming through.

Brian initially got involved with Gleaners as a new way to pay it forward. He was a longtime blood donor but could no longer donate after receiving chemotherapy. When he’s not at Gleaners, he loves fishing, golfing, and playing guitar in his band, Classic Avenue.

We are excited to recognize Brian for all his hard work!




Join Gleaners in the fight against hunger this holiday season

Every dollar you give will help provide fresh meat, dairy, produce, and other meal-making items for families in need.

$25 can help feed 6 families for a week. $50 can help feed 14 families for a week. $100 can help feed 28 families for a week.

Plus, thanks to a generous match from OrthoIndy, you can double your impact now through Dec. 31! Click here to give your holiday gift.

To subscribe to our monthly Volunteer ENewsletter, click here.


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